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ص ض

Urdu Letter Letter Name Hindi Equivalent Teacher
ZWĀD Teacher Icon


ZWĀD sounds like the English “z”.

ZWĀD is one of the Urdu letters for the “z” sound. The other letters for the “z” sound are: ZĀL (ذ), ZAY (ز), and ZOE (ظ). They are not interchangeable. You must learn when to use each one.


ZWĀD can connect from both sides: Thus it has four forms: detached, initial, medial, and final.

Final Medial Initial Detached
Basic Forms یض غضب ضر ض
In Context مریض غضب ضرور قرض
Write in Context fill-in fill-in

Additional Examples of ض

Final Medial Initial Detached
محض مضبوط ضد فرض
فیض فضول ضمیر مرض