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ع غ

Click the letter to hear its pronunciation.

Final Medial Initial Detached
Additional Examples ع


‘AIN is a rare letter found mainly in words borrowed from Arabic, in which it represents a “glottal stop”. In Urdu its sound and function are essentially the same as ALIF’s. It is not, however, interchangeable with ALIF. You will need to learn which words are spelled with ‘AIN (ع) and which are spelled with ALIF (ا).
No Hindi equivalent.

‘AIN is usually transliterated with an apostrophe.

At the beginning of a word ‘AIN can carry any of the three short vowels:

Sound Example (transliteration) Example (Urdu) Hindi Equivalent
“a” as in “about” ‘arab عرب अरब
“i” as in “inner” ‘izzat عزّت इज़्ज़त
“u” as in “put” ‘urs عرس उर्स

At the beginning of a word ‘AIN is silent when followed by another vowel letter:

Sound Example (transliteration) Example (Urdu) Hindi Equivalent
silent ‘ām عام आम
silent ‘aurat عورت औरत

In the middle or end of any word, ‘AIN is a wild card: it can represent almost any vowel sound or the consonant “y”.

Example (transliteration) Example (Urdu) Hindi Equivalent
ba’ad  بعد बाद
sho’lay شعلے शोले
shama’ شمع शमा
shāyar شاعر शायर


‘AIN can connect from both sides: Thus it has four forms: detached, initial, medial, and final.